Director's Statement

Each morning I wake up and read what's going on across this country and in all parts of the world, and I get an overwhelming feeling of dread and disappointment. Will we ever live in a world that is not ruled by a culture of fear and hostility? With such opposing sides increasingly hardened in their beliefs, how will we ever see eye to eye again? And is there any goodness left at all? These questions are what fuel my creative mission to disrupt the negativity we are all constantly consuming by sharing stories that deal with themes of compassion, kindness and empathy. Essentially, I want to challenge viewers to shift their perspective from one of hopelessness and die-hard partisanship to one of hope, understanding, and openness.


My film is based on a true story I heard through the grapevine. It is one of those stories that seems impossible to be true- that someone could so radically shift their perspective that they could see an intruder as a guest. It feels unbelievable, and yet, it supposedly happened somewhere to a friend of a friend. To me, this story is proof that it is possible to "fiip the script" on a typical reaction to hostility, even in the midst of fear.

Dani de Jesus